miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2015

The inverse function

The Inverse Function
Inverse functions: the first topic you are going to see in third semester. Welcome to “Math for all, the blog in which the objective is for you to understand every concept and to learn how to get inverse functions.
Here are some definitions that might be useful for you….
Set of ordered pairs. The first elements in the ordered pairs (the x-values), form the domain. The second elements in the ordered pairs (the y-values), form the range.
It can have two different values for the  output.
Relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs with the property that each input is related to exactly one output.
One to One Function
A one to one function is the function that will have only one output per each input, meaning that two different inputs can't produce the same output
An element, feature, or factor that can vary depending on what we have as values.
Existing variables in the function:
  •   Dependent (y)
The dependent variable is the one that will be changing if the independent variable has different values. For example, if I have a one marshmallow and heat it, the dependent variable will be the volume of the marshmallow because it will change depending on the temperature, but the one that will stay constant is the quantity of marshmallows I have.
  • Independent (x)
The independent variable is the one that its value will not change, referring that once its value is specified will remain constant throughout the problem

F(x)= Function
F(x)-1 = Inverse function

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